Sardonyx Tumblestone Pendant
Physical reassurance, Self confidence, Creativity
Chakras: Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Birthstone: Leo, Aries
Hardness: 7
Composition: Silicon dioxide
Formula: SiO2
Colour: Black, white, red-brown
Other Descriptions:
Sard is an orange-brown or red-brown variety of chalcedony, sometimes referred to as brown carnelian. In sardonyx, this is be layered with onyx of black, white, or sometimes other colours.
Metaphysical Healing Properties
Sardonyx assists us in actively creating our own meaning in life, one that is in alignment with our highest good. When we act and live in accordance with our harmonically balanced unique vibration, we touch all that we come into contact with in all spheres of our lives and encourage others to be true to their inner melody which can then radiate out in ripples of mutual respect and love for all beings. This stone is also particularly helpful in assisting mental attunement, strengthening our ability to better assimilate information and discern truth from fiction. This vibration assists our minds to work out problems without us getting emotionally entangled, blocking the flow of Divine Intelligence. Instead, with the intentional use of this stone, we are able to take a ‘spiritual step back’ and view things from a different perspective. The answers then unfold effortlessly as we loosen our grip on expectations and allow the natural stream of perfect order and inspiration to move harmoniously from Divine Mind, through us.
Harmonizes /Combines with: Tiger Eye, carnelian, Apatite, Sunstone
History: Some of the most wonderful cameo pieces ever created are Sardonyx or banded Agate stones. The oldest known reference to Sardonyx is an 11th century lapidary.
Disclaimer: Crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical advice. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.