Rhodonite Donut Pendant (30mm, 40mm)
Self love,Self worth, Generosity
Chakras: Sacral, Heart
Birthstone: Scorpio, Taurus
Hardness: 5.5 - 6.5
Composition: Manganese silicate
Formula: (CaMg)(Mn2+, Fe2+)4 [Si5 O 15]
Colour: Reddish-pink, may have black manganese inclusions
Oils/Herbs: African violet, Angelica, Rose, Vervain
Other Descriptions:
Rhodonite is formed during the metamorphosis of sedimentary manganese ore deposits, a process which creates the rose colour. If the rose coloured stone is then partially oxidised through weathering it creates black patches and veins of manganese dioxide.
Metaphysical Healing Properties
Very good stone to use when wanting to explore one’s life purpose. It enhances meditation, prayer and dream-work and assists one in dream interpretation. This stone helps us to appreciate love in all its forms such as family, romance and friends. It’s an excellent emotional healer assisting with clearing old emotional scars through the power of love and forgiveness. Ultimately forgiveness of self is the most difficult hurdle and the vibration of this stone can help us in that process. Rhodonite encourages us to consciously live from the Divine Love vibration, which restores calm and peace into our lives. Helpful in overcoming judgement, anxiety and depression. Promotes feelings of calm when under pressure.
Harmonizes /Combines with: Pink chalcedony and rhodochrosite.
The name Rhodonite comes from the Greek word ‘rhodon’, or rose. This is a reference to its beautiful pink colouring, which can range from hot pink stones from Madagascar, to dusky pink stones from Canada or Peru
Disclaimer: Crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical advice. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.