Tarot of the Druids
Giordano Berti and Bepi Vigna
Antonio Lupatelli and Severino Baraldi
The Tarot of the Druids is a Celtic-inspired Tarot from Italian creators Giordano Berti and Bepi Vigna, and artists Antonio Lupatelli and Severino Baraldi; who also worked on the Tarot of the Gnomes and the Tarot of the Journey to the Orient.
The major cards of the Tarot of the Druids are associated with Celtic deities, faeries and characters from mythology, and are non-traditionally titled with only the Gaelic name of the deity on the card. The 22 majors are divided into five cycles relevant to the Celts and their legendary figures: mythological, heroic, historical, Ossianic, and adventurous.