Beryl Bracelet (Free Form)
Confidence, Courage, Vitality, Realisation of Potential
Chakras: Throat
Birthstone: Scorpio
Hardness: 7.5 - 8
Composition: Beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate
Formula: Be3Al2Si6O18
Origin: USA, Brazil, Russia, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Pakistan. There are also Beryl deposits in Colombia, Sweden, Norway, Austria, and Germany.
Colour: Often colourless, but it’s also frequently coloured by impurities.The colours of Beryl range from green to red, blue, yellow, and white. When pure beryl contains impurities and inclusions, the colour of the stone also changes.
Oils/Herbs: clove, ginger, helichrysum, chamomile, lavender
Other Descriptions: Yellow beryl is known as Heliodor, blue beryl is Aquamarine, pink beryl is Morganite and the deep variety is known as Bixbite.
Metaphysical Healing Properties
Assists with letting go of that which no longer serves you including emotional baggage, habits and stressors. Beryl will help with confidence to move forward in life and it will help you to realise your potentials. Beryl helps one to stay focused and encourages an optimistic world view. It assists in bringing a sense of calm, eliminates weariness. Beryl helps you to adapt to change. It is beneficial in scrying and is a Seer Stone. It also promotes self-attunement. Beryl promotes a healthy level of self love and inspires love. Beryl help to dissolve tensions and allows one to forgive and move past old hurts.
History: The earliest reference to beryls was recorded in De Virtutibus Lapidum in the 2nd century BCE. It stated, “This stone is good…for damage to the eyes, and for all sickness if it is put in water and given as a drink.”
Pliny the Elder wrote of Aquamarine, “The most esteemed beryls are those which in colour resemble the pure green of the sea…which seems to have come from some mermaid’s treasure house, in the depths of the summer sea, its charm not to be denied.”
During the Roman era, Beryls were thought to have the energy of “young love” and were the traditional gift given to a bride by her groom the morning after their wedding. According Roman legend, “When blessed and worn it joins in love and does great things.” It was also believed that Aquamarine’s colour would change to reveal truth and lies, friends and foes, as well as the fidelity of a lover.
During the Middle Ages, Beryl was the most popular “oracle crystal”. Most commonly the Beryl would be hung from a string and used as a pendent.
Beryl has been the symbol of the apostle Thomas since the 10th century. The association was first determined by Andreas Bishop of Caesarea, one of the earliest writers to associate the apostles with the Foundation Stones of Revelation 20:1. He wrote: “The beryl, imitating the colours of the sea and or the air, and not unlike the jacinth, seems to suggest the admirable Thomas, especially as he made a long journey by seas, and even reached the Indies, sent by God to preach salvation to the peoples of the region.”
Disclaimer: Crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical advice. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.