Jasper, Brecciated Tumblestone Pendant With Metal Loop
Balance, Strength, Steadiness
Chakras: Base, Sacral
Birthstone: Gemini
Hardness: 7
Composition: Silicon Dioxide
Formula: SiO2
Colour: Rusty Brown, Red, Grey (in the case of the presence of Hematite veins)
Oils/Herbs: Patchouli
Other Descriptions:
A mottled red stone (jasper means 'spotted stone' - 'iaspi' in Greek)
Metaphysical Healing Properties
This is a high energy stone that boosts vitality and aids in creative endeavours. It's used as a protection stone and helps to align all the chakras.
Red colouring comes from Iron which aligns the stone with the Root Chakra and also helps purify the blood.
Used in dream recall and in dowsing
As a sacral chakra stone it can support the sexual organs and is sometimes used to enhance the sexual experience.
Other sources of the name derive from Hebrew 'jashpeh' and the Assyrian word Ashpu
Jaspers were used as the medium on which to write verses of the Book of the Dead, in Egypt. The small tablet was then wrapped up in mummies to support the soul on its journey into the afterlife. Egyptial priests also used Jasper as Talismans.
In Minoan Crete it was used as a seal in the palace of Knossos and it was the 12th stone on the breastplate of the Hebrre Priest.
Jasper was also used extensively by Native American Indian tribes, for calling rain and for dowsing.
It was also the stone used to carve the bowl of the peace pipe.
Disclaimer: Crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical advice. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.