Porcelanite Tumblestone Pendant
Nurturing, Calming, Soothing
Chakra: Heart
Hardness: wide range
Composition: Silicon dioxide
Formula: SiO2
Colour: Varies but mostly creams, grey, browns, dusty pink, black
Oils/Herbs: Cinnamon, Sandalwood and Ylang-Ylang
Porcellanite or porcelanite, is a hard, dense rock similar in appearance to unglazed porcelain. It is often an impure variety of chert containing clay and calcareous matter.The rock is black to dark grey in colour. It was extensively used for Neolithic axes and stone tools.
Metaphysical & Healing Properties
This powerful stone, known as the nurturer, is very useful when we feel overwhelmed by situations where a loved one, friend or pet is injured or takes ill. This calming stone, assists in grounding one, bringing our emotions back into harmonious balance. It helps us to feel stronger in times of great distress and when we may be feeling all alone in the world. Its useful in times of strife and hardship and it reminds us that although sometimes life can feel brutal and unfair, that we are stronger than we know and are always nurtured and supported by Mother Earth. We are able to appreciate the cycles of life and move with them, feeling calm and centred whilst flowing with the energies of change. This stone brings us the peace of Divine constancy which is ever present even during experiences of endings, change and transition.
Harmonizes/Combines with Smokey quartz, Mookite, Chocolate Moonstone
History No reference to this stone being used for metaphysical purposes in historical texts.
Crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical advice. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.